Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

  • Grapple with eating? Sneaking food. How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Has it always been a struggle with your weight.
  • Do you feel others perceive you as fat, Perhaps losing weight and the motivation to get in shape is emotionally hard for you.
  • Compulsive overeating is a problem for many along with many other eating disorders and may be helped by the exclusive therapy methods developed by Lorna.
  • Are you looking for Weight Management Therapy.

Have you decided it’s time to lose that weight that has been causing you problems for quite a while. Yes, there’s the health-related problems that you’re probably being reminded about every day in the media, But I’m also talking about the inner struggle the one that no one sees. The thoughts of being inferior, having others avoid eye contact, being treated rudely or dismissed. Thoughts of losing a job, finding love, wondering if people are embarrassed to be seen with you and the biggie “will I die because of the fat on my body” or if you have children “will I be around to see my children grow up”. All of these things add up.

There’s a saying that goes “It’s not what you’re eating but what’s eating you” and that’s where our role as a Clinical Hypnotherapist comes in. Our role is to help you uncover the underlying behavioural reasons behind excessive eating and to address any emotional pain that may be present. This emotional pain, often for years, is stored away deep in ones subconscious mind. Whilst in hypnosis we can help to give the subconscious mind a new perspective on your life. Enabling you to let go of any fears and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from achieving success. Bringing these new perspectives brings about new healthy changes in the way you may have previously consumed food.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and is a safe drug free therapy. Hypnotism weight loss has been used for years and it always pays to seek out a fully trained Hypnotist for weight loss or any other type of hypnotherapy.

At HypnoResults Hypnosis clinic we offer several different weight loss programs.

The first is for persons only wanting to lose a few kilos perhaps already going to the gym, but not quite able to achieve their goals.

The other type of program is for persons needing to lose a larger amount of weight. For the larger weight loss clients HYPNO-BAND may be more suitable.


HypnoResults was the first Hypnotherapy Clinic in Brisbane to offer the HYPNO-BAND weight loss system.

The HYPNO-BAND four session weight loss system is a safe Weight Loss solution and carries no risk or ongoing medical treatment. It has achieved good results and has also been featured in the media in Australia and Worldwide!

Cost for single session: $90.00

Cost for discounted four session program: $270.00. Direct Deposit required to secure appointment when booking.

For more information please visit our Hypno-Band site click here.


* I went to see Lorna because I had some issues with my weight that I wanted to address. After the first session I achieved the most wonderful results. I used to overeat at basically all meals. I would also eat when I was not hungry. I was not grossly overweight but felt I needed to lose some weight for my health. I have now stopped over eating and I have learnt to stop eating before I am full and now I am left feeling satisfied. I dont eat unless I am hungry and find that I do not think about or look to food at every opportunity. The changes have made me feel so happy and confident with my self and I have even lost that little bit of weight that I needed to! Alexis, Brisbane.


* I had my hypno-band sessions with Lorna on skype. The sessions went very well and easy from my comfort zone, I very much enjoyed them and was looking forward to each session for the whole duration of the treatment. The important thing is I have lost so far 10 kilos, and if I knew before that it would be that easy to lose weight with hypnotherapy, I would have done this years ago, saving myself the pain and frustration of trying to lose even one kilo. My family and friends are amazed with the way I look now and keep asking me how I had achieved this and request Lorna’s contact details. Thank you Lorna very much for changing my life. Inas, Melbourne.


* For many, many years I have been obese, not really through any mental influence of depression, anxiety etc., really through over indulgence. I love food and wine and did not deny myself anything I wanted to eat or drink. In September 2008 I decided I needed to regain some of my physical fitness and so looked for hypnotherapy as a weight loss solution. I found your website, Lorna, made an appointment and from there everything changed. I thought to be hypnotised I would become unaware of the outside world. I didn’t find that happened and although I was completely relaxed by you (didn’t move in the chair for 45 mins) , I did find my thoughts occasionally wandering before returning to the job in hand and I could hear things going on outside the room. Lorna assured me that this was how hypnotherapy worked and I left my first session with a resolve to lose weight. In only 4 months I have lost 16 kg! I am so surprised how motivated I have been and how the cravings for sweet, fatty foods have ceased. For many years I always opened a bottle of wine while preparing the evening meal and this is no longer part of my life. I have no difficulty in eating natural, healthy fruit and vegetables with a small amount of protein and have completely given up processed food and most carbohydrates. Not being very keen about exercise, I am surprised how addicted I have become and need to be physically active at every opportunity. My balance and agility is improving and I am well on the way to achieving my goals in that area. I firmly believe all this motivation, (and I am not usually a person who continues projects,) is due to my two sessions with Lorna. I have found the journey so amazingly easy with no cravings or feelings of deprivation. Something I would not have believed possible. I do have the occasional feeling of hunger but this is so easily satisfied with a glass of water. I read that when we are hungry, we are often actually thirsty. If you are considering Lorna as a hypnotherapist, look no further, you will not be disappointed whatever life changes you are contemplating. Have a session with Lorna and it will happen. Gail, Esk, QLD.

*Disclaimer: Outcome of services rendered can vary on individual basis and no permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided.

Get In Touch

Contact Lorna Jackson using the link below today to discuss or arrange an appointment for online hypnotherapy via Zoom.

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All Sessions of Hypnotherapy are conducted Online only via Zoom.


 Please contact me via the form on this page.

The Australian Hypnotherapy Association a peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia fully approves of and has set guidelines for online hypnotherapy