Depression and how Hypnotherapy can help to ease it

Its common that at times we can all feel sad, moody or low but some people endure depression for long periods of time. Depression if left untreated can escalate to a point where it begins to affect a persons physical and mental health.

Symptoms of depression can range from feeling sad, teary, overwhelmed, guilty, restless, angry lacking of confidence, hopelessness or disappointment. Recurring negative thoughts are common.

Depression may also affect a persons behaviour they may avoid taking part in activities and hobbies they previously used to enjoy. They may also feel like staying at home rather than going out and mixing socially.

A persons work productivity can also be adversely affected by depression. There may be also like physical symptoms like changed appetite, feeling run down or sick, headaches, muscle pain, churning stomach, difficulty sleeping.

We must add here that may have already consulted a medical professional in regards to the above symptoms but if you havent then it is important to do so before you indertake alternative treatments such as hypnotherapy.

So here is the big question…how do you become happy?…

The way is to start with our self. To get to know and understand our selves on all levels, including our family history, our emotions, our body and spirit…for we are much more than we think we are.

Self-discovery through therapeutic hypnotherapy can be very rewarding and fulfilling. Once we begin to question the fundamental premises of our life and realize that the reality we believed in and were taught to believe in about how we are, how relationships with others should be, and how our emotions are affecting us isn’t reality at all.

Then we begin to see and understand the truth, what life is really about and once we have this new understanding, then we can begin to conquer our fears, gain wisdom, and win the keys to the great secrets of happiness. Once we can gain this insight we can begin to take personal responsibility, to make logical choices, set goals and work towards a happy future. We no longer have to feel like the victim of circumstances, we are on the way to being the creative force in our life.

If you decide to book a hypnotherapy session with Lorna she will gently guide you to self-awareness and reconnect with your authentic self.  Using hypnotherapy Lorna will assist you to lift the veil of depression. She will guide you in taking responsibility for your own life, regain the happines and control you deserve to have.

To achieve this Lorna uses a blend of Therapeutic Hypnotherapy and Personality Integration Process which works well for the majority of clients and helps them to gain self awareness of issues, to motivate and facilitate the desired changes.

Self-discovery through Therapeutic hypnotherapy can be a very self-empowering way to ease depression. Once you begin to question the fundamental premises of your life and realize that the reality you believed in or were taught to believe in, about how you are, how your relationships with others should be, and how your emotions are affecting you isn’t reality at all!

Then you can begin to see and understand the truth, what life is really about and once you have this new understanding, then you can conquer your fears, gain wisdom, and win the keys to the great secrets of happiness. You no longer have to feel like the victim of circumstances, because you are now on the way to being the creative force in your own life.

Your mind is your most valuable resource. It is your birthright. Through hypnotherapy we can teach you to use your mind to build a better future—to create your own destiny.

*Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee specific results. Results can vary from person to person.






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All Sessions of Hypnotherapy are conducted Online only via Zoom.


 Please contact me via the form on this page.

The Australian Hypnotherapy Association a peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia fully approves of and has set guidelines for online hypnotherapy