Information Regarding Hypnosis Guarantees

*Disclaimer: Outcome of services rendered can vary on individual basis and no immediate permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided in regards to hypnotherapy.

Clients often ask us if we guarantee the outcome of our sessions, Lets get this right, Hypnotherapists, Counselors, Psychotherapists and even medical practitioners cannot guarantee any outcome. These modalities are not commodities. If any of these therapies could guarantee results we would all be on national television nightly and be millionaires to boot.

It is also important to remember that even though Hypnotherapy works for one person for a number of factors it may not work for everyone and in regards to that Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

No one can guarantee how your mind works in relation to hypnosis. Results gained in hypnosis are purely subjective, in other words if you are a willing pro-active participant who truly wants to make a change and believes making that change is possible then you are already halfway to obtaining your goal using hypnosis.


*Disclaimer: Outcome of services rendered can vary on individual basis and no immediate permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided in regards to hypnotherapy.


Get In Touch

Contact Lorna Jackson using the link below today to discuss or arrange an appointment for online hypnotherapy via Zoom.

Please leave a detailed message. We will always attempt to contact you (time permitting) on the same day as your message.

Contact Lorna Form


Lorna will endeavor to reply to your email on the same day as it is received.

If you have not received a reply, Please check your SPAM FOLDER for our return email as sometimes messages from lorna have been delivered to Spam Folders by mistake.

All Sessions of Hypnotherapy are conducted Online only via Zoom.


 Please contact me via the form on this page.

The Australian Hypnotherapy Association a peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia fully approves of and has set guidelines for online hypnotherapy