Hypnotherapy to Reduce Pain

Chronic Pain Reduction or Removal

Many people in society today suffer chronic pain, pain is part of being human. Most of us have experienced pain at some time in our lives.

A good thing to know is that you don’t have to always rely on drugs to deal with the pain. Various forms of hypnosis have been used far back in the history of mankind to control and remove pain.

A large percentage of adults, at some point in their lives, will suffer lower back pain as a result of strains or other injuries. Many more suffer from the pain of arthritis, fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome and even more suffer ongoing chronic headaches and migraines. And then there are those who suffer pain following surgery and others who are fighting a debilitating or terminal illness.

This pain will be either of short duration or perhaps longer term ongoing chronic pain. Most people deal with pain using off the shelf pain medication available from supermarkets and pharmacies. Others visit doctors and get more powerful pain relief in the form of prescription medication. Pharmaceuticals are at best a temporary solution, using pain killers long term can lead to addiction and dependence.

Most people don’t realise that the pain sciences movement has made remarkable discoveries over the past 20 years in studying the role of the mind in interpreting how we process pain. Many years ago, pain was seen as primarily existing in the tissues of the body, but current research findings of the work of Lorimer Moseley and David Butler have taught us that pain is a construct in our mind. This mind construct is based on our past experiences, emotions, feelings, social circumstances and many other factors which influence how we express pain.

Many studies have shown that large percentages of people with pain free backs, shoulders and knees have significant tissue damage in these areas that can be seen on MRI, such as herniated discs and torn rotator cuffs. On the other hand, many people suffer from pain when there is no tissue damage at all. Allodynia or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a condition of neuropathic pain where even normal stimuli such as a light touch to the skin can cause excruciating pain. This is an extreme example of something that might occur quite commonly on a much smaller scale – the nervous system is sensitive to potential threats and sounds the alarm even when no real threat is present.

This condition affects around 20 in every 100,000 people. The messages from the brain changes the blood flow in the effected limbs and causes it to swell, go red and sweat. Even though there is nothing physically wrong with the limb, those brain signals have caused it to look like it has suffered trauma. There is also no medical cure or medication to relieve symptoms.

The most dramatic example of this is phantom limb pain, when the victim feels pain in a missing body part. Although the painful limb has been gone for years and can no longer send signals to the brain, the part of the brain that senses the limb remains, and it can be mistakenly triggered by cross talk from nearby neural activity. When this occurs, victims might experience incredibly vivid and painful sensations of the missing limb. Amazingly, phantom arm pain can sometimes be cured by placing the remaining hand in a mirror box in a way that tricks the brain into thinking the missing arm is alive and well! This is an extraordinary demonstration of the fact that the true target for pain relief is often the brain, not the body.

There are many other more commonplace instances where the brain does not know what is going on in the body and causes pain in an area that is clearly not under threat. Any kind of referred pain, where pain is felt a distance from the actual problem is an example of this. Allodynia is another example.

When we shift the idea that pain is a marker of tissue damage or disease, to that of a marker of unconscious unresolved emotions and the unconscious need to protect the body then pain can be removed with clinical hypnotherapy sessions.

Hypnosis is being used to treat various forms of pain such as lower back, sciatica, dental, surgical, cancer etc. There have been studies conducted that have shown that through the use of hypnosis patients with severe pain such as with advanced stages of cancer require fewer pain killers to control the pain. This allows the patient far greater comfort and a better life style. Hypnosis can also help reduce the nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Hypnosis is also of great help with patients undergoing surgery. Hypnosis can be used both before and after the operation. Hypnosis can help to put the patient at ease prior to surgery and increase the speed of recovery post-surgery. This can lead to reduced time spent in hospital.

Hypnosis is a worthwhile alternative to pharmaceutical pain control. No method, hypnosis or drug, is effective all the time. Yet, hypnosis has been shown to reduce or remove many various types of pain and achieve this without side effects.

Lorna Jacksons pain programme consists of four sessions held over a four-week period. The first session is 120mins and involves an intensive pretalk assessment where the client’s story is gathered and any beliefs about the origin of the pain or problems are discussed. We also begin the hypnotherapy process of making a direct connection with your unconscious mind.

Once this is established during the following three 90 min sessions we begin to remove, delete or turn down the pain. As your unconscious thoughts and emotions change so does your experience of pain and the results are usually felt immediately.

Before undergoing the hypnotherapy pain programme, you must have been diagnosed by a medical doctor and had all relevant tests, investigations and treatments undertaken. If you are in the situation where you have simply been told that no more can be done and that you have to live with the pain, then you are suitable for this approach. It is fast, safe and the results can be remarkable for people who are suitable for this programme.

The four session programme is one easy payment $490.00. Call Lorna Jackson to make an appointment.

Single online session cost, $90.00

4 online sessions cost, $270.00

Call Hypnoresults Hypnotherapy to make an appointment.

*Disclaimer: Outcome of services rendered can vary on individual basis and no immediate permanent or guaranteed solutions can be provided.

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Contact Lorna Jackson using the link below today to discuss or arrange an appointment for online hypnotherapy via Zoom.

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All Sessions of Hypnotherapy are conducted Online only via Zoom.


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The Australian Hypnotherapy Association a peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia fully approves of and has set guidelines for online hypnotherapy